Sunday, September 2, 2012

Skunk Wars

Skunk Wars
     Two friends were reminiscing about past enjoyments and decided that it would be interesting to revisit the place where so many memories had been had. The two boys went back to their old highschool and found that it was both very different and very much the same as they remembered. The first difference they noticed was the new institution of payment that was required from people visiting the school. The required payment was ten Euros but fortunately, one of the boys had a rare wallet that he had snatched from his dad’s dresser that, just so happened, to have enough Euros inside. Once inside they wanted to first see some of their old teachers that were still there. Walking into one of their favorite classes they noticed that there was a new teacher, Miss Mira. They had her in the past and to say the least, she was not their favorite. Miss Mira was teaching her history class, and as usual she was giving way too many notes on the first day. Miss Mira was talking about the Masai, a tribe that were known for their warrior ways and the students seemed less than interested. The boys thought to themselves that it would be funny to play a prank on Miss Mira thinking it would be a piece of cake with the new principal.
     The new principal was from Spain and was not exactly keen on American culture. He was born on an old Spanish farm, which he had a small figurine of on his desk at all times. The boys had heard that he had a weird obsession for marching bands and in particular the men who would walk and beat a snare drum. The boys decided to take advantage of this obsession and dressed themselves up in green hats and inside one of their drums they hid a very smelly skunk. The boys marched right into school playing their drums and the principal thought it was the greatest thing. They released the skunk into Miss Mira’s room, but largely to their surprise the skunk turned on them and went crazy. The skunk turned its smelly tail on the boys and they were off like a shot. Running laps all over the school, the boys closely followed by the skunk ran through the art room knocking over tables sending ceramic bowls and glass bottles crashing to the floor. The boys ran through the lunch room and tried throwing chestnuts to deter the crazed animal. The boys ran into the wood shop and managed to trap the skunk momentarily by tipping over a large birch wood canoe over and a very large hand carved wooden head to hold it in place. This gave the boys a little bit of a lead on the animal and by barring the door shut with a wooden ruler the boys managed to run and lock themselves in the bathroom in hopes that the skunk would tire out.
     After several minutes the boys crept out of the bathroom and ran from the school into their car and drove off, not knowing the skunk had followed them into the car and was lurking behind the seat. Needless to say the boys were a little shaken up and drove to the nearest guard dog kennel. The Chinese kennel sold some of the world’s most renowned personal guard dogs and would only accept dog coins in payment from the very rare “year of the dog”. The boys collected the needed coins and with the stamp of approval from a very strange Chinese stamp. They finally had the protection they needed, or so they thought. However, walking back to the car they saw a small rug or cloth moving across the ground. The skunk emerged from under the cloth; raised is tail, and RING RING!!! One of the boys was awoken in a hot sweat from the nightmare that had been. 

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