Monday, September 24, 2012

Library Book

  1. I selected this book because I recognized the title and it is about war with some history built in which interests me.
  2. The book has two authors.
  3. The title of the book is "Mash".
  4. The book was printed by The University Press of Kentucky.
  5. The book was printed in Lexington, Kentucky in 1998
Step 2

     The book I selected from the library is called Mash. Mash was written by two brothers about an army surgeon in Korea. "The antiwar, antiestablishement attitudes of the day, M*A*S*H became a a household word."(212). Mash was printed in 1998 in the city of Lexington Kentucky. The printer of the book was The University Press of Kentucky.

Works Cited
Apel and Apel. Mash: An Army Surgeon in Korea. Lexington, Kentucky, 1998. Print

Sunday, September 23, 2012

500 Word Descriptive Post

Creating a presentation was very easy for our group. The three of us chose to tackle the subject of writing in a business and technical setting. The first approach we took was to figure out the type of setting that each of us were interested in and we distributed the work load in that way. We found that each of us had slightly different ideas as to what we were hoping to learn from our research on this topic. Patrick Murray had a goal to gain some expertise on how to write in a technical setting. As a mechanical engineering major, Patrick to the approach of looking at what it would take to write reports for a company making snowmobiles. Patrick had a lot of examples ready for situations where it would come in handy to have the skills necessary to write an affective progress report. However, even with all the knowledge on when and where it would be nice to know these things, he still needed to find out how to format and write a report properly. Patrick checked a few different writing formatters in order to make sure that he had information that was accurate and information that would be affective in a technical setting. Gabin Tene is also a mechanical engineering major and was also looking for more information on writing in a technical setting. Since Patrick was going with more of the manufacturing side of engineering, Gabin decided to look at the materials side of engineering. His goal was to learn how to write in a way that would positively affect the ordering of materials. After doing some research Gabin was able to find examples of how to accomplish this goal and found results that he was very pleased with. Since both Patrick and Gabin are much more interested in the technical side of things I was able to focus on my interest which is the business side. I already knew that there are unending applications for learning how to write more affectively in a business setting. MY goal was to learn how and learn what other ways in life that this would benefit me. Through my research I found that it there is not any big secret to writing in a business setting. I found that if you are able to communicate well and keep your language short and to the point, there really is not anything more to be learned. To present our findings, we just split up and did the research and wrote a short essay of what we found. Then we pooled our findings together, trying to make the presentation as organized as possible. We then studied what we found to be sure that we were well versed on the information we had found. After all of this there was only one more thing to do and that was to present the information in a way that was interesting and engaging for the rest of the class. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Final Presention

Clayton Athman, Patrick Murray, Gabin Tene.

Writing in a Business Setting

     I want to learn more of the business side of writing because I know that it will be a huge advantage to be well versed in how to write in a concise manor. I recently had an interview, and even though it was not for a business position, in order to get the interview I had to show that I could paraphrase a much longer peice of information into a short statement. Though I think that I do a good job at keeping my paper short and to the point, I want it to become second nature and habit to write in a business like manor. Employees do not have time to read long and detailed writings or memos and because of this the concept of abstract writing is something that is going to be very helpful in writing memos and other business type documents if I hope to run a business in an efficient way. Abstract writing is a form of writing used to fit a large amount of information into a limited amount of space. A technique that would greatly benefit a business.
     The side of business that most interests me is the side of sales and learning to communicate with customers properly would give me a big advantage. If a customer opens an email and sees that it is a page long, they will be much more apt to skim through and miss valuable material that will benefit them. How does one go about preventing this? In the same example, if a customer opens and email and sees that it is organized in bullet points or in a short paragraph they will be more willing to read the entire email and gain all the information they need. This can take a large amount of time on the part of the writer because he must know inside and out what he is trying to communicate and be able to break it down and write it in a way that highlights only the main points. An indirect benefit of learning to writing in a business setting or writing to customers would be that if I learn to write this way, it will spill over into how I communicate verbally with my costumers and employees and overall will have a very positive effect on my work environment.

Writing in a Technical Setting

     I want learn the technical side of writing because I will need to be able to write many procedure and analysis reports in my career. Many people think that engineering is all math and science and nothing else, while engineering uses lots of math and science it is more of an application of them. Engineers seldom work alone and for themselves, they typically work in groups and for a company. For this reason one needs to be able to communicate clearly and in detail about their work to other groups working on the project, their bosses, and most importantly customers.

     An example of this would be me working for a company that makes snowmobiles, my boss says he needs a new sled for 2014, so all the engineers get together and break up into groups to work on different aspects of the snowmobile. Group “A” is designing the body of the snowmobile and group “B” the engine, group “B” needs to know what group “A” is doing otherwise they will make two parts of a snowmobile that do not fit together. Group “A” needs to be able to document what they are doing and present it to group “B” so they know how big and heavy the engine is so it works with the body of the sled, they then bring it to their boss to get it approved.

A technical paper may include the following elements;

1. Introduction

2. Procedures

3. Results

4. What the results mean

5. Recommendations for future work

6. References and acknowledgments

Writing in a Technical Setting

     My name is Gabin Tene and I'am going for mechanical engineering. Writing about this topic will be a great benefit skillswise because engineers are most of the time asked to write technical reports. A great example to come up with would be for instance, a car company (Mazda) would like to get some specific steels from another company (US steel) in order to manufacture cars frame. One of the engineers from the Mazda company is then asked to write a report concerning the exact steel specifition they want the contractor (US Steel) to manufacture. Meaning that the report should include maximum shear force and Strength the steel must support, temperature the steels must support when exposed to either hot or cold temperature, and many other specification.

     After the report is done, It comes now to the contractor to follow step by step the specifications on the report during the manufacture of the steels. If there are mistakes or on the report, the manufacturer could wrongly manufacture the product. And this will cost a lot for the company.

That's some of the reasons why writing a technical report is very important for me.

My part of the presentation topic

Writing in a Business or Technical Setting

     I want to learn more of the business side of writing because I know that it will be a huge advantage to be well versed in how to write in a concise manor. I recently had an interview, and even though it was not for a business position, in order to get the interview I had to show that I could paraphrase a much longer peice of information into a short statement. Though I think that I do a good job at keeping my paper short and to the point, I want it to become second nature and habit to write in a business like manor. Employees do not have time to read long and detailed writings or memos and because of this the concept of abstract writing is something that is going to be very helpful in writing memos and other business type documents if I hope to run a business in an efficient way. Abstract writing is a form of writing used to fit a large amount of information into a limited amount of space. A technique that would greatly benefit a business.
     The side of business that most interests me is the side of sales and learning to communicate with customers properly would give me a big advantage. If a customer opens an email and sees that it is a page long, they will be much more apt to skim through and miss valuable material that will benefit them. How does one go about preventing this? In the same example, if a customer opens and email and sees that it is organized in bullet points or in a short paragraph they will be more willing to read the entire email and gain all the information they need. This can take a large amount of time on the part of the writer because he must know inside and out what he is trying to communicate and be able to break it down and write it in a way that highlights only the main points. An indirect benefit of learning to writing in a business setting or writing to customers would be that if I learn to write this way, it will spill over into how I communicate verbally with my costumers and employees and overall will have a very positive effect on my work environment. 

Research Topic Selection

I have chosen writing in a business or technical setting as my main topic for a research paper. I would like to learn more about this topic because it will greatly assist me in my future business endeavors. I am looking to learn how to keep my writings short, concise, and to the point and as a result will leave it at that.

The other two topics that caught my eye were...
  • Writing to get a job
  • Revising and catching errors

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Skunk Wars

Skunk Wars
     Two friends were reminiscing about past enjoyments and decided that it would be interesting to revisit the place where so many memories had been had. The two boys went back to their old highschool and found that it was both very different and very much the same as they remembered. The first difference they noticed was the new institution of payment that was required from people visiting the school. The required payment was ten Euros but fortunately, one of the boys had a rare wallet that he had snatched from his dad’s dresser that, just so happened, to have enough Euros inside. Once inside they wanted to first see some of their old teachers that were still there. Walking into one of their favorite classes they noticed that there was a new teacher, Miss Mira. They had her in the past and to say the least, she was not their favorite. Miss Mira was teaching her history class, and as usual she was giving way too many notes on the first day. Miss Mira was talking about the Masai, a tribe that were known for their warrior ways and the students seemed less than interested. The boys thought to themselves that it would be funny to play a prank on Miss Mira thinking it would be a piece of cake with the new principal.
     The new principal was from Spain and was not exactly keen on American culture. He was born on an old Spanish farm, which he had a small figurine of on his desk at all times. The boys had heard that he had a weird obsession for marching bands and in particular the men who would walk and beat a snare drum. The boys decided to take advantage of this obsession and dressed themselves up in green hats and inside one of their drums they hid a very smelly skunk. The boys marched right into school playing their drums and the principal thought it was the greatest thing. They released the skunk into Miss Mira’s room, but largely to their surprise the skunk turned on them and went crazy. The skunk turned its smelly tail on the boys and they were off like a shot. Running laps all over the school, the boys closely followed by the skunk ran through the art room knocking over tables sending ceramic bowls and glass bottles crashing to the floor. The boys ran through the lunch room and tried throwing chestnuts to deter the crazed animal. The boys ran into the wood shop and managed to trap the skunk momentarily by tipping over a large birch wood canoe over and a very large hand carved wooden head to hold it in place. This gave the boys a little bit of a lead on the animal and by barring the door shut with a wooden ruler the boys managed to run and lock themselves in the bathroom in hopes that the skunk would tire out.
     After several minutes the boys crept out of the bathroom and ran from the school into their car and drove off, not knowing the skunk had followed them into the car and was lurking behind the seat. Needless to say the boys were a little shaken up and drove to the nearest guard dog kennel. The Chinese kennel sold some of the world’s most renowned personal guard dogs and would only accept dog coins in payment from the very rare “year of the dog”. The boys collected the needed coins and with the stamp of approval from a very strange Chinese stamp. They finally had the protection they needed, or so they thought. However, walking back to the car they saw a small rug or cloth moving across the ground. The skunk emerged from under the cloth; raised is tail, and RING RING!!! One of the boys was awoken in a hot sweat from the nightmare that had been.